Spring is well and truly upon us, and the bees are back. You might have noticed they’d gone a
little quiet over winter, which means things were working just fine.
Just as we look forward to the arrival of longer days and warmer weather, so too do the bees. We talked to Barna Szocs, owner of rent-a-hive company Tiaki Bees, about bee activity in the summer months.
Bees are the pillars of our food-system and it’s high time we started taking note February 2022 There is a rather alarming statistic doing the rounds at the moment. One
Six reasons why honey is a powerful superfood. 2 December 2021 For centuries humans have drawn on the benefits of raw honey to improve our health and wellbeing. Here are
Busy Bees – Spring time is a hive of activity 15 November 2021 Spring has well and truly sprung around our region and you’ve likely noticed a surge in honeybee
Hosting hives has been becoming more popular in urban areas, such as New York and Sydney for some time. Barna, Wanaka beekeeper and owner of Tiaki Bees, is now making hive rental accessible in the Southern Lakes and QT Magazine took some time out to interview Barna and publish more about this venture in the Autumn Edition of their magazine.
Tiaki Bees are part of the Forage and Feast tour. "Barna and Tiaki Bees represent all that we are about: involving the community, looking after the environment and enjoying the by-product of caring for the bees – the delicious honey."
February to March is the best time to harvest honey in the South Island of New Zealand. Find out more about bees, for instance: How much honey does an individual bee make? Which bees make honey? And why is honey so special?
Interesting Facts about the Honeybee 29 January 2021 Bees have been the subject of study for hundreds of years. Still, they continue to amaze us all. Researchers have unravelled many honeybee